Jian Giannini (born 1989) is a visual artist based in Los Angeles. His work explores the ambiguities of bodily movement and expression. One can look upon his figures—often depicted in earth tones with substantial frames composed of thick flowing black brushstrokes and circles for heads with no facial features—and  interpret many things. In this ambiguity lies Giannini’s curiosity about the relationship between agency and abstraction. On one hand, these faceless figures remain opaque and anonymous. On the other, the absence of their face lets the audience commune with the earnest possibilities of the language of the body. While these figures may be withholding the typical culmination of human expression, they are not hiding. They are full of spirit, open and eager to build a circuit of energy between themselves and with whomever they might entangle.


2024 CapoCrew Jawn , Group Exhibition Midcity Arts Center , LOS ANGELES

2023 Air Castles , Solo Exhibition START GALLERY , LOS ANGELES

2023 Disruptive Incoherence , Group Exhibition ARTE BETTINA , MAKATI CITY